Greenville County’s charm, thriving economy and vibrant culture make us more than just a hot tourist destination. Thousands are making the leap and moving here each year. According to projections from the Greenville Chamber of Commerce, our region is on pace to add 220,000 new residents by 2040.
This tremendous growth, while the envy of many other communities, is putting additional strain on already-scarce community resources. As Greenville County grows, so does the level of need.
Did you know?
- 39 percent of Greenville County households struggle to afford the basics every month. 29 percent of these households earn above the Federal Poverty level, yet far from enough to afford the cost of life’s necessities.
- 55.7 percent of students in Greenville County Schools are in poverty (determined by eligibility for government food support, Medicaid, or status as a foster, migrant or homeless student).
- Nearly half (48 percent) of the 23,000 calls to United Way’s 211 community resource line were from community members facing eviction, or in immediate need of rent and utility assistance.
- 15 percent of young children in South Carolina were in families in which a parent had to quit, change jobs, or reduce hours because childcare was difficult to find or afford.
- Nearly half of car owners in Greenville County said at least a few times a month they could not drive due to the cost of gas or maintenance.
At United Way of Greenville County, we think everyone deserves a shot to win. That’s why our How We Win strategy is focused on fighting poverty by addressing the interconnected areas of Education, Housing, Childcare and Transportation.
One gift to United Way has a far-reaching impact. Your generous investment will:
- Provide access to safe, stable housing for individuals experiencing homelessness and families saving for their first home.
- Connect local parents to high-quality childcare—from prenatal health initiatives to afterschool enrichment programs.
- Improve educational support that helps more students graduate ready for post-secondary success, as well as job training programs that develop in-demand skills.
- Increase access to transportation for those seeking healthcare, education and employment.
- Support innovative homegrown initiatives that move our community forward like OnTrack Greenville, the Volunteer Income Tax Assistance (VITA) program, and REEM (Racial Equity & Economic Mobility) Greenville.
We all know this is a special place to call home, and we also know there is still so much more work to do to ensure everyone who lives here has access to the opportunities to achieve their full potential.
Every investment—every dollar—matters in this work. Please give today to help families in our community receive the support and resources they need to build the lives they deserve.